Sunday, January 25, 2015

Starr Pass Hike

On MLK day we didn't have school (oh wait I had a makeup class...on MLK day? Seriously?). So afterwards we went for a little hike out at Starr Pass, which is a really beautiful area. There was a lot of cactus that is for sure.

We were faced with many choices of trails, and I was like whatever, lets just go where our hearts tell us, who needs maps. We got to a junction that pointed to two trails with another trail unmarked so of course we took the unmarked one.

We took a break and saw a cholla cactus. We started throwing rocks at it. It had these dangling things on it that I called ovaries, just using my imagination. We tried to hit the ovaries, and we eventually knocked them down.

We kept walking until the trail didn't go any farther. It brought us partially up a little hill thing and we just sat there. We saw people hiking in the valley below. The acoustics in that place were incredible. We could hear people's footsteps way down below and to the north, as well as hear them talk. We could have spoken a little louder than normal and been heard over 100 yards away.

The views were incredible. I'm glad Mary was interested in going hiking with me, it made it more fun to have her there.

No explanation needed - my arms say it all.

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