Thursday, January 8, 2015

Do Something

Do Something

I made a new goal. This year as I evaluated my life, I decided to come up with different pillars to base my life. One of those is to "do." I want to be able to look back at my life and say that I actually got out and did stuff. Thus, to accomplish this, every week my goal is to do something out of my normal routine. It could be something large like go on a vacation, or it could be something simple like check out a new park. While I do it, I have to take a picture, and write about it on my blog. 

The first activity I did was visit my sister's family out in Eagle Mountain. Normally my nieces want nothing to do with me, but when I went over they actually wanted to play. So we played lots of Candyland and Princess Cupcakes. We also watched Jack Ryan, which was interesting, but I got too comfortable and fell asleep at the climax. This is a growing problem. I had a good talk with Mike about sports which helped, since I let sports bother me too much.

I was proud of myself for sticking it out all three hours at church when I had every reason not to. I planned on leaving at 10 or so and go to my parents ward, but Andrea wanted me to try a new recipe which wouldn't be done until 12. This would obviously mean I would miss my parent's church, and I had no clothes with me. Well Mike let me borrow some clothes, which were baggy on me, and the shoes were not big enough. I jammed my foot in, which squished my big toe, and went to church. For some reason I felt so lethargic and just did not want to be there, a new place, with clothes that didn't fit. But I made it through. If not I would have missed church for a whole month, between sickness, traveling, and that. Anyway, it was fun, and the pork recipe was really good.

Playing princess cupcakes with the princesses.
Lots of delicious cupcake options.
This picture captures the difference in Livy's and Emy's personalities well, at least from my perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Probably because it is about me, ha! No, I love the pictures (although I should have made sure they weren't blurry. It is true I was trying to keep you there longer with the food and promising a drive around our valley. I guess I wanted to spend more time with you. Thanks for sticking it out through church :)
