Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Point Bike Ride

My activity this week was to go to Jordan River trail access near Thanksgiving Point, by bike, from my parents house. The total round trip distance was 20.2 miles. I had not really ridden a bike since before my mission (8.5 years ago, maybe even more). I was surprised how hard it was to pedal, but that could be because I was on the highest gear. But, riding a bike, is, well, "just like riding a bike".

I originally planned to do it a few days earlier, but the temperature was struggling to get above freezing and there was snow and ice everywhere. I waited long enough for the snow to melt, at least somewhat, and when on a day when it was clear and about 45 degrees.

My main problem was that I had forgotten that on my last camping trip up near Dollar Lake, during the night, some beast chewed on my camelback nozzel, the thing you suck on, so it was dripping everywhere. When I bent over, it went drip quite vigorously, soaking my pants. This caused two problems: less water, and cold pants. After awhile I figured how to position it so it wouldn't drip.

The trip was very fun. It was all downhill to the river, but that means uphill on the way back. I was determined to make it up the hill without stopping, aside from red lights, and I did. It hurt pretty bad, and I was on the lowest gear. But it was very fun, and I want to get back into biking.

The end of my trip, the Jordan River. It looks cold.

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