Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pusch Peak

Josh, Phil, and I hiked Pusch peak. I was February 7 and like 80 degrees. I was really hot at the beginning of the hike. It was very steep. In one of the steepest sections we ran into some scouts. They saw my BYU hat and told us they were LDS. 

The trail kept going up and up and stayed very steep. The last little bit we had to bushwack. The view from the top was really cool. I bet you could see over to Mexico, and pretty far to the north as well. 

On the way pack I tried two types of cactus fruit. It tasted like a cucumber. I don't think it was fully ripe. We kept getting off trail on the way back. It was really pretty and had a good time. I was so very sweaty at the bottom.

Looking north.

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