Sunday, October 19, 2014

I never thought it would happen....

I didn't think that I would join Facebook, but with the encouragement of friends, I gave in. Next was Instagram, and I thought I would really get into that one, but I was never fully converted to it. After that came Snapchat, which is still fun. And now it has come to this--blogging. Slowly I catch up with the fads, but I must say I actually do enjoy writing. I got the idea from, well, ideas. Not being a very opinionated person, I occasionally have strong feelings about things. This is either because I think some people are being really stupid, or I am frustrated with something/someone, or I feel like I have a good idea. Plus I feel like it is a good way for people to really get to know you. We all change over time, and if you are distant from friends or family, they may not know how you have changed. I believe blogging can be a good outlet.

My intent is to share my feelings about different subjects, not really to be a travel log. I really hope I do not bore most people (though some things will definitely be boring to some), but why does it matter? YOLO. Even if nobody reads it, I have a record of my thoughts, which is important to me. However, all are welcome to read. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great! It is the perfect way to express yourself and ideas, as well as let family know what is going on with life since we don't live nearby.
